pdf To visualize any new entity, a visualization should be designed and programmed. Investigating approaches for programming new scientific visualizations, we come to the following idea: utilize CinemaScience format to describe 3D scenes. Подробнее...
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pdf To visualize any new entity, a visualization algorithm should be designed and programmed. Investigating approaches for programming new scientific visualizations, we come with the following technique: utilize CinemaScience format to describe 3D scenes. Подробнее...
pdf The paper examines research methods in the field of computer visualization based on virtual reality. Developing such systems involves not only the issues of software implementation, modelling or adequate equipment choice, but also the tasks connected with cognitive processes occurring in both users and developers of visualization systems. Подробнее...
pdf Актуальность. В условиях глобальной цифровизации, когда становятся актуальными такие проекты, как цифровая земля, компьютерная визуализация является важным элементом компьютерного моделирования как в научных исследованиях, так и в технике, в частности, в областях геоинформатики, природо- и недропользования, исследования георесурсов. Подробнее...
pdf Biological and medical databases continue to grow in size, volume, and dimension that lead to facing big data issues. The data obtained as a result of complex computer modeling, as well as in analyzing various sources of big data are complex and poorly structured. Подробнее...
pdf https://cgs20.imm.uran. Подробнее...
pdf Supercomputer operation produces a very large amount of meaningful data, and its analysis may advance the efficiency of computations. However there is a problem to visualize this data: it has no natural view and thus new synthetic views need to be created. In this paper, we introduce 4 such views found by our team as informative. Подробнее...
pdf Computation steering is a scientific and technicalarea which provides methods of understanding a state ofrunning high-performance computing (HPC) programs andperforming interactive control over such programs. This workis an analysis of ideas and current status of computationsteering. Подробнее...
pdf In this paper approaches to the evaluation of Software Visualization for Parallel Computing are considered on the examples of representation of call graphs and execution traces of parallel programs. The concept of visualization metaphor is described. The visualization metaphors using to depict call graphs and execution traces are surveyed. Подробнее...
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