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Vasev P., Human-aware content elements as a base for website backend interfaces // In proceedings of The Third International Conference on Mathematical and Informational Technologies in Management, Engineering and Education, Yekaterinburg, Russia, pp. 122-123

Almost any website has two sides: frontend and backend. Frontend is what site’s visitors see: pages, sections, photos, etc. A backend is a place where website owner operates, adding and editing content of the website. Often this backend is called “content management system” (CMS). There are many CMS-s presented on the market. To become successful, CMS must be easy to use. This is especially important for hosted CMS services, because there is no personal training provided for the user.Nowadays almost any CMS operates in technical terms: pages, forms, layouts. However, real people don’t think in these terms. They think in terms of their needs: “I need a website with company information, contacts, services and vacancies”. It is difficult for non-technical person to map in mind his needs to technical terms and to perceive steps required to achieve his goals. For example to add vacancy on a site user often should perform the following steps: create a page, create and format vacancy description, add links to that page from main menu, and add announce to company’s news. So user wastes his time and even may leave the service.
We believe that adding non-technical terms into CMS may solve the problem described. Furthermore, we introduce “human-aware content elements” approach, which describes technology and philosophy for building content management systems. First, let us examine current approaches mostly used in backend interfaces.  

Метки: Васёв П.А., 2008

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