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rtf Статья посвящена опыту разработки метода исследования переживания эффекта присутствия в средах виртуальной реальности. Обосновывается преимущество ситуативного интервью перед заранее написанными опросниками. Подробнее...
doc The paper is devoted to the design and development of gesture interface for use in surgery applications. The approaches to the gesture recognition for real use in angiographic systems are considered. The model of the angiographic systems, control techniques, gesture language for control, as well as their realizations are described. Подробнее...
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doc The paper is devoted to the design and development of “mass” and “professional” interfaces. The approach based on Activity Theory is considered. The example of the system with the interface based on Activity Theory approach is described. Подробнее...
doc doc План лекции и возможные задания студентам Подробнее...
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